Using the Talent Crisis to Help Propel Forward the Discussion on Diversity in Aerospace – Submitted by Ginelle Johnston
Using the Talent Crisis to Help Propel Forward the Discussion on Diversity in Aerospace:
With the continued ...
OAC’s Scholarships for Aerospace Studies – Application Deadline April 25, 2023
The Ontario Aerospace Council is pleased so be able to offer FIVE scholarships for the 2023-2024 Academic Year to students going into or currently enrolled in our aerospace studies program at a post-secondary institution (college or university) in Ontario. The value of each scholarship is $2,500.00 CAD. Application Deadline: April 25, 2023
WIA / DHC Networking Breakfast at the Paris Airshow, June 21, 2023
Will you be attending the Paris Air Show 2023? We would love for you to join us for a networking breakfast hosted by Women in Aerospace Canada and De Havilland Canada. A fantastic opportunity to share best practices of building diverse organizations in Canadian Aerospace with Senior leadership in the industry.
The Art of Leadership Women Toronto & Calgary Events – Special Pricing for WIA Canada
Looking to take your leadership to the next level? The Art of Leadership Women returns this June with its highly anticipated 10th national tour!
This unique one-day conference features an empowering lineup of speakers and topics curated to share strategies and insights on the most critical issues facing leaders today. Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to develop your leaders, engage your talent and build high-performing teams. Join us for an inspiring day of learning, networking, and championing change for women.
2023 RCAF Foundation Student Scholarships – Submission Deadline: May 23, 3023
Developed for Canada’s next generation of aviation and aerospace leaders, these 50 scholarships of $1000 are open to any student 25 years of age or younger who is either entering or studying in a post-secondary institution in Canada. They are designed to encourage students in S.T.E.M. studies in college or university that plan on future careers in the aviation or aerospace industry.
CRIAQ Scholarship Program for the Next Generation of Women in Aerospace – Deadline April 17, 2023
The present scholarship program aims to encourage the next generation of women to choose or pursue university studies related to aerospace.
This program will provide two scholarships:
1 scholarship of $ 7,500 to encourage a master’s candidate.
1 scholarship of $ 10,000 to encourage a doctoral candidate.
From the Ground Up – Building an International Aerospace Company – Virtual Lunch & Learn March 30, 2023
Join us to hear the incredible journey Nancy Venneman has been on since she took the decision to start her own aerospace company. Singlehandedly starting Altitude Aerospace in 2005 and growing the company across 3 different countries, she will share with us her many accomplishments and challenges along the way.
#CalgarytoSpace Launch Party at the University of Calgary March 15th
The "Launch Event" will be held at Hunter Hub Collision Space (HNSC 401) at the University of Calgary Campus. The CalgaryToSpace student team at the University of Calgary, 60-member volunteer team is building the city's first student spacecraft, which is a small satellite "about the size of a loaf of bread".
Maintenance and Operations Leadership Essentials Professional Micro-Credential Courses with McMaster University February 2023
McMaster University working to support the Aerospace Industry in Southern Ontario through multiple subsidy options. Employees and employers that support the aerospace sector in Southern Ontario benefit from the 90% cost subsidy across this year’s offerings. On our three single-day courses running in February.
Girls Take Flight Saturday April 29 Oshawa
A FREE aviation and aerospace presentations, career information, static aircraft and industry displays.
International Women’s Day “The Cost of Not Paving the Runway” Hybrid Event March 8th
On International Women's Day, Women in Aerospace (WIA) Canada in partnership with Downsview Aerospace Innovation & Research (DAIR) and De Havilland Canada (DHC) are proud to announce our upcoming event "The Cost of Not Paving the Runway” to highlight the invaluable impact women have on our industry.
Queen’s University Aerospace Exposition – Aerospace Mentorship Program February 15th, 2023
Queen’s University and Women in Aerospace Canada are partnering to present the first aerospace exposition at Queen’s University. Providing a targeted connection between Aerospace Companies and Organizations with Queens academia and talent, while promoting the experience of women in the aerospace industry. The exposition will be followed by a speed mentoring event providing opportunity for Queen’s students to further explore what it means to work in aerospace.