Inspiring Future Aviators Manasa’s story motivates other young women to pursue their dreams in aviation. Her passion transcends age, demonstrating that enthusiasm knows no bounds. As she aims for the skies, she embodies the spirit of aviation, ready to reach new...
Feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks and deadlines is common, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. However, as highlighted in the Forbes article, “Why Rest Is Vital for Success and Well-Being”, rest is crucial for maintaining success, health,...
Big Risk, Big Reward: Using a risk-based system to achieve stability, balance, and well-being. Submitted by Katy Doucette Aerospace is a fast-paced, heavily regulated industry that offers an environment of high risk and high reward. My story in aerospace started two...
In preparation for our WIA Canada session on the 19th of September, in August we are reading the book “Leading Our Way: How Women are Re-Defining Leadership”. In this book, Gaia van der Esch discovers what leadership can look like and how each one of us can become a...
PHWL’s Inaugural Year a Resounding Success Women’s sports is attracting more and more sport fans and with this popularity brings large business opportunities. For us in Canada, PHWL’s inaugural year was a resounding success. The season has wrapped on the debut year of...
Once, right after starting her first job, a girl discovered she wanted to be a great leader. To get there, she had a plan. work on her growth strategy, read a relevant book every month, network with peers and key players in her industry, take a class on...