Marie-Pier Chamberland

Educational Programming

Eva Martinez

Her professional journey was enriched with expatriation experiences in China, France and Toronto. Those experiences abroad have not only reinforced her commitment to fostering an inclusive and globally-minded aerospace community but broadened her cultural horizons and deepened her appreciation for global collaboration and diversity. 

Marie-Pier holds a Bachelor of Commerce, Major in International Business from John Molson School of Business – Concordia University. She has also attained her PGMP certification in 2021 and she is now one of the few 4000 professionals certified worldwide.

As part of the Diversity & Inclusion team at Bombardier, Marie-Pier is a City Chapters Lead for the “Women at Bombardier” group in Montreal. As a passionate advocate for the industry, she loves to share her passion, energy and knowledge to support aspiring professionals, particularly women, in navigating their careers in this dynamic industry.  

She has two young kids whom she loves to share her love for traveling, sports (soccer coach) and camping with. She lives by a few motos “if it makes you nervous and uncomfortable, it’s probably worth it!” and “I’m more scared of regretting not doing something than doing it!”.