How Men Can Help Make Aerospace More Inclusive

Nov 14, 2022

In recent weeks, an ally of Women in Aerospace Canada shared an article from Aviation Week magazine on how men can help make aerospace more inclusive. It’s an interesting read and definitely worth sharing with our community. While we would like to believe that race and gender should not matter in the workplace, those representing minorities can certainly speak to the challenges they’ve encountered in their careers. The article also speaks to the importance of mentorship and allyship and the role they play in preparing mentees for those tough situations. The author, Aisha Bowe, identifies the short-sightedness of organizations that attempt to solve their diversity problems through affinity groups for people who are marginalized and failing to provide them the resources, or authority, to address these issues and affect change.

“As more women and minorities rise through the ranks in aerospace engineering, we will bring our own cultures with us, making it less necessary for new engineers to learn to fit a white, male norm. Until then, we will need people in power to take us under their wings and make sure we have the tools we need to thrive. So if you are in a position to be an advantageous connection, I am asking you to learn our struggles and be one of these mentors. Be our allies.”
Women in Aerospace Canada is currently working on developing a mentoring program scheduled to launch in January 2022. The program will link industry leaders with key talent to support their continued progress and development in the aerospace sector. Keep an eye out for more information in the months to come!